Basking in the Light

I approached the spring all athirst; it had been a warm day and I had been cycling about the lanes. These are natural springs which bubble and gush in the village of Horbling. I rather clumsily stooped down and cupped the water in my hands. Having received adequate refreshment, I noticed that I was not alone. Beside me sat a butterfly, its wings upturned. In that closed state, its colours were dark and unimpressive, but I rightly suspected what kind it was and that, when the cloud ceased obscuring the sun, its gay colours would be revealed. It allowed me to get close, so I suspect it was tired, but I waited with camera in hand for the right moment. Sure enough, a half-minute of sunshine persuaded this Peacock butterfly, which is my favourite, to unfurl its wings and show off its gorgeous hue.

Life in the shadow is dark and gloomy, our potential unrealised, our human beauty cloaked by a covering of sin. In the light of Christ, however, we expand, we reflect, we bathe and enjoy the warmth and glow of His being. We show again the beauty of Adam the First, lost long ago, when from the Light he first hid.

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6, NKJV