Crowning Wisdom: Imperial Russian

This small model I possess is a copy of the Imperial Crown of Russia. It is awash with 4936 diamonds and was last used to crown Nicolai II in 1896. The Russian communists in 1922 considered selling it off to raise foreign capital but were persuaded otherwise. Although each of those diamonds has a price, their combined sum is far greater than the parts. Its historical and artistic value is considerably higher when they unite. In Ephesians 5:25, Paul exhorts:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.

Yes, we are loved as individuals, uniquely and specially by our Creator. Yes as members of the universal, global, cosmic community of the redeemed which we call the Church, we are especially privileged and loved by Christ. Pity the believer who cannot or will not join with other Christians to break bread and worship. Their foretaste of heaven is neglected, their experience of Christ’s corporate love is bypassed. They are diamonds with wonderful futures, but would sparkle brighter if positioned next to others.