Ireland, Abortion, Politics and Mars

I was most disquieted by the cheering crowds at Dublin hailing their desired referendum result last week. I thought it quite horrible that they cheered because Irish babies were now less safe in their wombs than they were before. There was talk of Ireland ‘catching up with the rest of us’ and ‘coming out of the dark ages’: all very patronising. In the future, people may look back at the Irish decision with perplexed wonder.

In today’s Daily Mirror, Baroness Chakrabarti, a prominent Labour politician, said women "have a right to make difficult ethical decisions about their bodies for themselves". She’s absolutely right, no-one disputes that. But should they have the right to play judge and executioner to the little one within? I know that all sorts of sensitive arguments are put forward to defend abortion- such as the mother’s rape. These cases however are rare; the majority in that shrieking crowd were rejoicing at the liberty now placed upon them, little else.

Let me share three final thoughts:

It’s puzzling that scientists from Edinburgh only yesterday were claiming evidence for life on Mars after allegedly finding traces of microbes. Yet a human heart-beat is not evidence of life on earth, it would seem.

Eyes are now looking to the North of Ireland. Chakrabati is demanding that the Prime Minister prove her feminist credentials by imposing liberal (yes, the word combination is ironic but increasingly common) abortion regulations on Ulster. Hopefully, she will not fall for this ruse. The noble baroness is playing politics with children’s lives. Knowing that the pro-life DUP supports May’s government in the Commons, cynical opposition MPs would like nothing more than an internal row.

Presumably, members of the liberal left will not be calling for a second referendum because ‘people didn’t know what they were voting for’. That chorus is only sung when the outcome doesn’t go the way they want.

A voice is heard in Dublin, mourning and great weeping, Hibernia weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.

Image by jusuf111 from Pixabay