Lancashire Low Ways

A few people have commented on the damaged sign on the A682 which points motorists to Martin Top Chapel. At least one car of worshippers missed the turning on account on the sign’s poor state. I reported it back on 5 October 2022, and behold, it remains unfixed even in February 2023. I emailed the Highways Dept again today, this time to complain. What is not important or urgent to them is certainly important and urgent to me. I find that councils are sluggish and incompetent in most regards with just one exception- the collection of Council Tax. In that pursuit, no expense, energy or manpower will be spared. Lawyers are summoned, court prosecutions prepared, letters and reminders whiz off printers to be delivered first class. If they attended to their statutary duties with as much alacrity and enthusiasm, people might be more inclined to pay. Unlike private firms, we cannot opt out of a local authority except by relocating. This might bring us to a district run by an equally slothful breed of mandarin.

In this world we have plentiful examples of poor government, bad government, lazy government, oppressive government, and, occasionally, no government. Whenever fallen humans attempt to fulfil that God-given responsibility to rule the earth and subdue it, the results are predictably bad, ranging from lacklustre to appalling. They all help us long for that perfect government of Christ, which is surely coming quickly.

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:7