Megs Hill Burial Ground

What do you think of this structure? It is a Grade II listed building (No 1087588) on account of its historical significance. It was once a Megs Hill Quaker Meeting House, constructed in 1749. Now it is an agricultural outhouse for farm implements, and frequented by sheep in cold weather. It is adjacent to a modest burial ground, in which only one stone appears to stand. Curiously, the Meeting House was only built to host Quaker funerals, it never being used for regular Sunday worship. Now it stands forlorn, keeping watch over the mainly forgotten dead.

How many other churches around today are regarded as no more than a dry space in which to dispatch our deceased? Yet any church that faithfully preaches the Bible should be a place of life and vitality. To the spiritually dead, they are places of the dead; but to we who believe, He and His Church are precious- and very much alive.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4