Towers and Bridges: to Heaven

I did not know what to admire more, the fine gothic stonework or the intricate engines that once worked the mechanism. I was inside one of the most famous and iconic places on the planet and it felt strange looking out and looking down. I was in a place photographed the world over and recognisable to a global population that has never seen it in real life. You may have guessed that I was inside London’s Tower Bridge.

For a fee, one may ascend the many steps in its north tower to inspect exhibitions on its construction and walk along the upper gangways, peering down on road and river traffic alike. It affords unique views of places on the ground from where one had previously looked up at the bridge.

Sometimes, when I’m feeling weary, I long for heaven. In truth, I ought to long for it regardless of how I feel, for that is my real home. Nevertheless, the blood-bought Christian will be there soon enough, looking down on all those places which were once so familiar and important, but will then be little points on a map, curiosities recalled. That eternal place we often imagine but cannot quite fathom will be more familiar to us than this old earth is now. Perhaps the main difference between the Bridge and the New City is that our gaze will be fixed on the King rather than the murky world below.

For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Philippians 1:23, NKJV