Upon the Bridal Pair Look Down

Today at Salem Chapel we join Alexander and Kezia in holy matrimony. They worshipped with us two years ago before they went to university and we were very much blessed by their company. As they begin this new chapter of their lives together, we pray that their marriage will be long, strong and fruitful, and that the Lord Jesus will be glorified, both in public and in private.

Our Jesus freely did appear

To grace a marriage feast;

And, Lord, we ask thy presence here

To make a wedding-guest.


Upon the bridal pair look down;

Who now have plighted hands;

Their union with thy favour crown,

And bless the nuptial bands.


With gifts of grace their hearts endow;

(Of all rich dowries best!)

Their substance bless, and peace bestow,

To sweeten all the rest.


In purest love their souls unite,

And linked in kindly care,

To render family burdens light,

By taking mutual share.


True helpers may they prove indeed,

In prayer, and faith, and hope;

And see with joy a godly seed,

To build thy household up.


As Isaac and Rebecca give

A pattern chaste and kind;

So may this new-met couple live,

In faithful friendship joined.


-J. Berridge, No 375, Gadsby’s Hymns

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matthew 19:6

Image by Olessya from Pixabay