Euxton Church, Private Chapel

Euxton Parish Church near Chorley has a surprisingly extensive website for such a small building. The two clergywomen whose parish it is have clearly invested some time and thought, and a gospel presentation is included. Good for them. The building started off as a private, family chapel for nearby Euxton Hall, for the Catholic Molyneaux family, before it became a public, parish church. Interestingly, the construction of the local Catholic church in that same village in the 1860s was hampered by scions of that family demanding their own private chapel within. Thankfully, few wealthy folk today insist on having private churches. They are generally too engrossed with enjoying the temporal pleasures of lucre to worry about their souls.

I do know churches which seem to be occupied and run by just one or two families. I also know a couple that depend almost entirely on the financial giving of one individual in the congregation. We need to guard against any church being dominated by one tribe or one patron. When difficult decisions are made, the tribe will usually support itself and the patron will withdraw his support if a decision does not go his way. Although the Corinthian church was becoming increasing enthralled by smooth-speaking charlatans and various factions, they remained ‘the Church of God that is at Corinth’. Our God will not share the human heart with a rival, neither will He share ownership of His church with another. May our churches belong to Him wholly, and be open to receive new people.

Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28, NKJV