Goodbye, Gavin Ashenden

Rev Gavin Ashenden, bishop and former Queen’s chaplain, has been a fearless prophetic voice in this nation and the Church of England in particular. Denouncing its apostasy and compromise, he was a refreshing alternative to the pallid gospel of 21st century Anglicanism. Sadly, he is to be received into the Church of Rome this month, having given up his endless battle with Anglican compromise. It is sad that he has left one corrupted denomination for another. Whereas Anglicanism depletes the gospel with its unbelief and fawning over the prevailing culture, so Rome adds to the gospel the worship of Mary, intercession of saints and the painful horrors of DIY salvation in purgatory.

Just as liberalism looked attractive 100 years ago when technological achievements and scientific progress seemed to render traditional theology archaic, so today’s moral chaos and frothing secularism restore lustre to religious conservatism. Outright rebellion against basic morality and the Christian worldview will see increasing numbers of refugees finding comfort in the diverse conservatisms of Rome, Mecca and Salt Lake. From a frying pan to a fire, Ashenden has bravely, but dangerously, jumped.

Image by Валера Батюков from Pixabay