Hemp Agrimony

Hemp Agrimony, or Eupatorium cannabinum, is not a cannabis plant, despite its name. Although its nectar is beloved by butterflies, it offers little to humans other than a pleasant scent and attractive appearance. This plant I saw growing by the River Thet in Thetford.

When I was a young teenager, I had two budgerigars, and decided to grow their bird seed to see what came. The result was disappointing to say the least, but my uncle suggested I was growing cannabis. I assured him it was rather more innocent. Had I grown agrimony, he would have been closer to the truth, but still wrong.

Too many names are similar but have very different applications. At Martin Top, we are Jehovah’s witnesses on the earth, and a church of latter-day saints. We are catholic in our desire to reach the lost, as well as being united and reformed. We are methodical in our worship and orthodox in our belief. Yet it is sometimes better not to use those names or adjectives, lest misunderstanding ensues.

I’ll just call this plant agrimony from now on.