This and That

I met up with a fellow minister last week in the great city of Manchester. Much as I admire the place, I found its commercialism, its pride and its spiritual indifference rather repellent. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the afternoon’s fellowship, after which we went for a curry. The place had been recommended by his son, and was frequented by university students and other questionable characters. It was located in what appeared to be a back alley and the grim frontage caused us to pause and look at each other- is this really somewhere that would serve good food to respectable men? The interior was little better than its exterior, but the men behind the counter were friendly. For seven pounds, we each enjoyed what I can only describe as one of the finest curries I have ever eaten. We sat at a long table on benches with various denizens of Manchester coming in and brushing past. As the proprietor enjoyed pointing out to us, he gets all sorts of people coming to eat his food- policemen and criminals, lecturers and tramps. All very egalitarian; all very curious.

The love of good food and good value unites a wide range of folk to come and dine at this unpromising-looking establishment. This really is a picture of the church of Jesus Christ. A mixture of people from different backgrounds and social strata united in a common adoration of the gospel’s amazingly good value. And yes, evangelical truth is seldom proclaimed in the grandest cathedrals and gaudiest parish churches; often it is taught within rented premises, community halls, remote country chapels and tin tabernacles. My brother minister and I left satisfied; I trust all who hear the gospel this weekend will do likewise.

He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. Psalm 147:14