Coal Tits Nesting in the Chapel Wall

Coal tits nested in the front wall of the chapel this year. It didn’t strike me as the best location, being only a foot off the ground, but I’m sure they knew what they were doing. On Saturday, they fledged. They sat noisily on the path, drawing the attention of all and sundry, including, presumably, the local felines. They were so vulnerable and exposed. They weren’t afraid of me- watching, as I approached to take their picture on my phone. I suppose they have yet to learn how lethal we humans can be.

They reminded me of new Christians, weak and easily harmed. Yet their Lord keeps them, and chains the prowling lion so that he might roar but nothing more. I don’t know if the little coal tits survived; I hope they have. As for vulnerable, new Christians, their Lord will keep them safe, even though their enemies are plentiful and dangerous.

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

John 6:37 (ESV)