Dishonours of Scotland

On Wednesday, His Majesty King Charles received the Honours of Scotland, which refers to the northern Kingdom’s crown jewels, in a symbolic proclamation of his kingship up there. Our respective monarchies united in 1603, but it is at least a courtesy for the King of Scotland to journey there and receive the honours of the north. Predictably, republicans were out in force, shouting their disapproval, as is their right. This bespeaks the strength of our monarchy, not its weakness. Curiously, the protests were led by a member of the Scottish Government, the MSP, Partick Harvie, a co-leader of the Scottish Greens. He complained about the public money spent on this “rigmarole” and on the coronation in London being unjustified during a cost-of-living crisis (would he have welcomed it if the economy was booming?). Mr Harvey is the Scottish Minister for 'zero carbon buildings', so he ought to know a thing or two about the squandering of public money on pointless projects and profligate posturing.

When King Jesus arrived in Bethlehem, He too received a mixed welcome. Another king would have murdered him, and most innkeepers simply had no time or space for Him. When He returns as conquering David, there will be many more who care not for his Kingship or His kingdom, but such will be removed and exiled to that place where He is not. There may be a case for republicanism in Scotland and England, but the only case for heavenly republicanism will be made in the hell of His absence.

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”

Psalm 2:5-7, New King James Version