In Everything, Give Thanks

During the last meeting of the chapel Reading Group, we considered Enjoy Your Prayer Life: Exercising your Faith, by Michael Reeves. I found it a very refreshing little book which was challenging without being irksomely long. It elicited a good discussion among the eight of us who attended about our own prayer-life. I have been ashamed of mine for many years. I have always known I needed to pray more and with greater faith, but somehow, I never seemed to amy better. Part of our discussion was whether some people are more naturally inclined to be prayer-like and others not. Of course, I might dismiss the poor quality of my praying by asserting that I am not that kind of person. Yet the Bible paints a picture of men and women of God who are intimate with Him when they pray. Their prayers were a dynamic, honest conversation, rather than formal motions or begrudged compliments muttered at the end of a busy day. 

My prayer life improved back in January. I resolved that everyday I would thank the Lord for three things that happened. When the day had been good, I was spoilt for choice; when it had been bad, I thanked Him anyway, knowing that God uses all things for His glory and our good. Having become a more thankful, grateful disciple, I was better equipped to speak to my God than I had been before. Few of these blogs and the sermons I preach have involved advising people on prayer for the reason but I have felt unqualified. Although I am hardly better qualified even now, I would urge you in your own quiet or prayer time to spend time giving thanks to God for who He is, what He has done and what He is going to do. We have much to be thankful for- so give thanks. 

Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! 1 Chronicles 16:8