Forget Me Not

Forget-me-nots seem to be doing well this year. Although sometimes found in gardens, they grace well enough hedgerows and verges. Their dainty simplicity does not always match their historical associations. For example, they were associated with pre-war continental Freemasonry as well as sections of the German Nazi Party. Nevertheless, the flower was made by God and given for our pleasure.

Its common English name is rather moving, too. It is certainly inconvenient when we forget people, and we are apt to consider it mildly rude when we ourselves are forgotten. Yet as bodies age and minds retard, levels of forgetfulness will likely increase. Thankfully, I have a God who shall never forget me though I, tragically, may forget Him. One Sunday last month, we sang No 479 from Gadsby’s Hymns, a couple of lines of which melted my heart:

His promise stands for ever firm;

His grace shall ne’er depart;

He binds my name upon his arm,

And seals it on his heart.

God will not forget His people. Ever.