Hidden Radio Mic

In the world of church sound technicians, I may have committed the unforgivable sin on Sunday evening: I went home with the radio mic in my jacket pocket. It had been a difficult week and I needed my bed. Some thirty miles from home, I had explained to the church where I was visiting preacher, that I would spend but five minutes standing on the door, after which I would drive home. Great. And then I saw the red light on my person as I sat down in my parlour after the journey. I messaged appropriate apologies before posting it back the following day, by Recorded Delivery. I used up some old stamps so it only cost me 90 pence.

I wondered how much that mic was able to pick up as I wended my way through the lanes surrounding that church. I suspect its reach never went beyond the front door, much less the carpark. Yet it was silently recording what I said, or rather what froth Premier Christian Praise was pouring into my car. I was minded of another of those ‘scary’ sayings issued by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 12:36:

But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.

This is a more terrifying prospect that 'stealing' a church’s microphone and being silently monitored as I drove down the motorway.