NHS: Battling Bravely On

When you hear of A&E patients slumped in corridors and striking nurses and ambulance crews crying out for more pay, have a care for NHS Human Resource departments. These valiant pen-pushers are keeping the NHS afloat in the sea of political correctness in which it so loves to swim. The Royal Free Hospital in north London has adopted a policy requiring interview panels to justify themselves whenever a shortlisted ethnic minority candidate is not appointed to a role. They have been told to write to the chief executive of the hospital’s trust within ten working days explaining how they scored the rejected candidate and why the white candidate was better suited to the role. Where an interview panel fails to comply it will be documented in the trust’s monthly Workforce Race Equality progress report.

So this winter, with nurses and paramedics striking, remember please those valiant HR staff who keep attending work come what may, despite the difficult conditions. They and they alone are fighting to make white people less represented in the NHS. May I salute them, and the abortion clinics, and the staff of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) who attend to their duties with ever increasing levels of enthusiasm and dedication.


Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay