Yield not to Temptation

I was asked to blog the words of a hymn with which we closed our worship a few Sundays ago. I had preached from Romans 7- 'O wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?'

Here are the words:

1 Yield not to temptation,
For yielding is sin;
Each vict’ry will help you,
Some other to win;
Fight manfully onward,
Dark passions subdue;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through.

Ask the Saviour to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.

2 Shun evil companions,
Bad language disdain;
God’s name hold in rev’rence,
Nor take it in vain;
Be thoughtful and earnest,
Kindhearted and true;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain]

3 To him that o’ercometh,
God giveth a crown;
Through faith we will conquer,
Though often cast down;
He who is our Saviour,
Our strength will renew;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain]

We had to get out the old Sacred Hymns and Solos. The best online version of it I can find is here:
